Category: Environmental policy

Member States oppose strong EU rules to penalise environmental crimes

The SWiPE project voices its concerns over the Council’s position on the revision of the Environmental Crime Directive, joining environmental NGOs, including Birdlife, Born Free, EEB, IFAW, Eurogroup for Animals, Humane Society International, and WWF. The Justice Ministers of the EU’s Member States adopted recently their position on the revision of the Directive on the […]

The European Commision must set strong premises for the future of combating wildlife trafficking

SWiPE recommendations for the revision on the EU Action Plan Against Wildlife Trafficking (EU WAP) The LIFE SWIPE project welcomes the commitment of the European Commission to revise and improve the EU Action Plan Against Wildlife Trafficking (EU WAP) and contribute to the implementation of the goals of the European Green Deal and the 2030 […]