Category: Environmental policy
Wildlife crime is devastating for endangered European species and a growing risk to our societies’ economic development and security, but most cases still go unpunished or undetected. This is one of the main findings of a new report published on July 5th 2023 by the LIFE SWiPE project, ‘Uncovering the Invisible: Successes and Challenges for […]
The SWiPE project voices its concerns over the Council’s position on the revision of the Environmental Crime Directive, joining environmental NGOs, including Birdlife, Born Free, EEB, IFAW, Eurogroup for Animals, Humane Society International, and WWF. The Justice Ministers of the EU’s Member States adopted recently their position on the revision of the Directive on the […]
SWiPE recommendations for the revision on the EU Action Plan Against Wildlife Trafficking (EU WAP) The LIFE SWIPE project welcomes the commitment of the European Commission to revise and improve the EU Action Plan Against Wildlife Trafficking (EU WAP) and contribute to the implementation of the goals of the European Green Deal and the 2030 […]
The European Commission has adopted this week a proposal for a new EU Directive to crack down on environmental crime. The SWiPE project has engaged in the consultation process and considers the revision an important step, given that the evaluation published in October 2020 found that the Directive has not fully met its objectives and […]
Thursday 14 October 2021, 15:00 – 17:00 CEST Online event hosted by: MEP Eleonora Evi CLICK HERE TO FIND THE RECORDING AND OTHER DOCUMENTS Unprecedented levels of poaching and illegal trade in wildlife have greatly increased high-level political attention around the globe to this issue. The EU’s response to this crisis was in part the […]