Criminalistic module in Croatia: better training for a better prosecution
The Criminalistic training module will help all relevant stakeholders, such as rangers, inspectors, police and customs officers, to detect and prevent crimes against wild species as successfully as possible in Croatia.
One of the weaknesses identified in previous actions of the SWiPE project is the reduced capacity of stakeholders in the chain of prosecuting crimes against nature. To face this, WWF ADRIA has developed a Criminalistic training module for nature protection inspectors, rangers and the police. The Judicial Academy – also partner in the SWiPE project, will be in charge of the educational module for judges and prosecutors.
The first educational workshop, as a part of the Criminalistic training module, was held on the 24th of April in Zagreb, and it gathered police officers, representatives from State’s Attorney Office of Republic of Croatia, customs and rangers. 22 participants attended the workshop, including all mentioned relevant institutions, NGOs and individuals.
The main goal was to support all stakeholders, from police, inspectors and rangers who face these crimes day to day, to judges and prosecutors. Cooperation and joint activities help considerably reduce crime against nature and the environment.
“The development of the Criminalistic training module for the detection, research and prevention of crimes against strictly protected and endangered species is more than a commendable initiative that will further increase the efficiency of conservationists, as the most numerous service which, through its direct supervision, daily witnesses numerous threats to protected areas, species and habitats”, said Darko Slukan from Zeleni Prsten Public Institution from Zagreb County.
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