Knowledge-sharing is essential to tackle wildlife crime: LIFE SWiPE organizes internal workshop

With 70 registered participants from all over Europe, on December 13th the LIFE SWiPE project organised an internal knowledge-sharing workshop among its members and colleagues outside the project’s team, to discuss the future of wildlife crime prosecution in the short and mid-term. 

Different challenges for the fight against wildlife crime were discussed, including the disparities between the number of committed, detected and sanctioned wildlife crimes, or the lack of accessible and reliable data on the issue in many European countries. Some recent cases, in which NGOs played an important role to push for their effective prosecution, were also presented. 

One of the main goals of this informal workshop was to get insights from colleagues outside of the project’s scope on key cases, to broaden the project’s perspective on the issue and keep advancing the fight against wildlife crime in Europe. The discussions’ key points will be taken forward as part of the After-LIFE plan of the project and implemented in future regional collaborations.