Enforcement analysis: Shortcomings and common challenges, developed by Eurac Research, is the 5th module of the LIFE SWiPE project’s training package (action B6.2.). Download PDF: 05_Enforcement analysis wildlife crimes_EURAC_De Bortoli_Life_Swipe Content of the presentation: 1. Introduction 2. Gaps to overcome 2.2 Lack of expertise/power/procedure in surveillance and investigative authorities 2.3 Lack of specialization in law […]
Preventing Wildlife crimes: A “case studies” approach, developed by Isidoro de Bortoli / Eurac Research, is the 4th module of the LIFE SWiPE project’s training package (action B6.2.). The module is divided into: Part 1: 1. Background 2. The illegal killing of wild birds 3. Illegal fishing Download PDF: 04. Case studies approach_EURAC_De Bortoli_Part1 Part […]
Presentation on Wildlife Crimes Prosecutions: A European overview about interventions structure, interagency collaboration and investigation methodologies developed by Isidoro De Bortoli and Alessia Mambrin (Eurac Research). This is the 3rd module of the LIFE SWiPE project’s training package (action B6.2.). Download PDF: 03_Wildlife Crimes Prosecution_EURAC_De Bortoli, Mambrin_Life_Swipe Content of the presentation: 1. Introduction 2. WLC-related […]
The Ecological effects of wildlife crimes, developed by Filippo Favilli (Eurac Research), is the second module of the LIFE SWiPE project’s training package (action B6.2.). The module is divided in: Part 1: Main impacts on Biodiversity. Download PDF: 02. Ecological effects of wildlife crime_EURAC_Favilli_Part1 Part 2: Case studies from the EU Download PDF: 02. Ecological effects […]
Presentation on the international and EU legislative framework around wildlife crimes and wildlife trade, developed by Mariachiara Alberton and Isidoro De Bortoli (Eurac Research). This is the first module of the LIFE SWiPE project’s training package (action B6.2.). Download PDF: 01_International EU legislation_EURAC_Alberton_De Bortoli Content of the presentation: 1. The International context for addressing wildlife […]