Module 5: Enforcement analysis, Shortcomings and common challenges
Enforcement analysis: Shortcomings and common challenges, developed by Eurac Research, is the 5th module of the LIFE SWiPE project’s training package (action B6.2.).
Download PDF: 05_Enforcement analysis wildlife crimes_EURAC_De Bortoli_Life_Swipe
Content of the presentation:
1. Introduction
2. Gaps to overcome
2.2 Lack of expertise/power/procedure in surveillance and investigative authorities
2.3 Lack of specialization in law enforcement authorities and judiciary
2.4 Inadequate/limited cooperation among official judiciary authorities at any level
2.5 Lack of staff and resources
2.6 Lack of uniform data and ongoing data sharing
2.7 Issues with gathering sufficient evidence
2.8 Weak and highly variant sanctioning regimes
2.9 Lack of transparency
Please note that if you use this document in another project/activity outside of the SWiPE project, you must refer to the project and that the production of the material has been funded by the LIFE programme.