Module 4: Preventing Wildlife crimes, a “case studies” approach

Preventing Wildlife crimes: A “case studies” approach, developed by Isidoro de Bortoli / Eurac Research, is the 4th module of the LIFE SWiPE project’s training package (action B6.2.). The module is divided into:

Part 1:

1. Background
2. The illegal killing of wild birds
3. Illegal fishing

Download PDF: 04. Case studies approach_EURAC_De Bortoli_Part1

Part 2:

4. Illegal fishing (II)
5. Poaching

Download PDF: 04. Case studies approach_EURAC_De Bortoli_Part2

Part 3:

6. Illegal Wildlife Poisoning (I, II, III)

Download PDF: 04. Case studies approach_EURAC_De Bortoli_Part3

Part 4:

7. Wildlife trafficking
8. References

Download PDF: 04. Case studies approach_EURAC_De Bortoli_Part4

Please note that if you use this document in another project/activity outside of the SWiPE project, you must refer to the project and that the production of the material has been funded by the LIFE programme.