Module 1: The international and EU legislative framework
Presentation on the international and EU legislative framework around wildlife crimes and wildlife trade, developed by Mariachiara Alberton and Isidoro De Bortoli (Eurac Research). This is the first module of the LIFE SWiPE project’s training package (action B6.2.).
Download PDF: 01_International EU legislation_EURAC_Alberton_De Bortoli
Content of the presentation:
1. The International context for addressing wildlife crimes.
2. The International legal framework for wildlife trade.
3. Other international conventions which may help curtailing wildlife crimes.
4. The EU legislative framework for nature and biodiversity protection and for addressing
wildlife crimes.
5. International initiatives fighting wildlife crimes.
Please note that if you use this document in another project/activity outside of the SWiPE project, you must refer to the project and that the production of the material has been funded by the LIFE programme.