Module 3: Wildlife Crimes Prosecutions

Presentation on Wildlife Crimes Prosecutions: A European overview about interventions structure, interagency collaboration and investigation methodologies developed by Isidoro De Bortoli and Alessia Mambrin (Eurac Research). This is the 3rd module of the LIFE SWiPE project’s training package (action B6.2.).

Download PDF: 03_Wildlife Crimes Prosecution_EURAC_De Bortoli, Mambrin_Life_Swipe

Content of the presentation:

1. Introduction
2. WLC-related Organizations
2.1 EU-Level Organizations
2.2 National Level Organizations
2.2.1 Administrative Bodies
2.2.2 Law Enforcement Bodies
2.3 Agencies, Volunteers groups and NGOs
2.4 Platforms
2.5 Training Agencies
3. Investigation Methods
4. Investigation Tools
5. European Arrest Warrant (EAW)

Please note that if you use this document in another project/activity outside of the SWiPE project, you must refer to the project and that the production of the material has been funded by the LIFE programme.