European Wildlife Crime Workshop
The SWiPE project organized the past June the EU WLC workshop for experts to review the latest wildlife crime findings and strengthen transnational working relations.
Recent EU initiatives highlight the need for better enforcement of laws and enhanced prosecution to tackle wildlife crime, including improved cross-border cooperation. This workshop brought together leading experts in wildlife crime prosecution at a pan-European level to discuss best practices and lessons learned to foster replication.
The workshop promoted the exchange of experiences among different links of the enforcement chain, from detection and investigation to successful prosecution, through talks from top-level experts and interactive sessions, including on-site demonstrations.
Here you can see a summary of the workshop
Documents of the meeting
Agenda (28-30 June 2022)
The three days included interactive sessions only for in-person participants. Plenary sessions were broadcasted online for registered and in-person participants.
28th June 2022: European context and transboundary cooperation
- The EU policy context and how the European Green Deal helps tackle wildlife crime. Revision of the Wildlife Action Plan. Agata Sobiech (CITES and wildlife trafficking, EC)
- Revision and proposal for a new Environmental Crime Directive. Vita Jukné (Head of Unit ENV.E4, EC DG ENV)
- Wildlife crime prosecution in Europe. Results in 11 countries in the framwork of the LIFE SWiPE project. Katalina Engel (external expert, WWF Romania)
- Lessons learnt: national implementation; the TIFIES Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking. Diana Pérez-Aranda Serrano (Ministry of Ecological Transition, Spain)
Video recording
29th June 2022: Innovative approaches to tackle wildlife crime
- Interagency cooperation in Europe among enforcement authorities. How do the EMPACT priorities work? Jose Antonio Alfaro Moreno (EUROPOL)
- Sturgeons and wildlife crime – evidence for trafficking of critically endangered sturgeon in the Lower Danube Region. Jutta Jahrl (WWF Austria. LIFE 4 Danube Sturgeon project).
- Workshops were designed as interactive sessions and therefore only some presentations are available:
Video recording
30th June 2022: Successful prosecution
- More than 160 sentences as a result of the fight against poisoning in Spain. Responsibility for the environmental damage generated. Carlos Javier Durá Alemañ (CIEDA- CIEMAT).
- Lights and shadows of 25 years of fighting against the poisoning of fauna in Spain / The role of NGOs fighting WLC (particular/popular accusation). Pablo Ayerza (Wildlife crime lawyer).
- Main motivations in relation to crimes against biodiversity. David de la Bodega (SEO BirdLife)
- Case study: Italian process concerning date mussels (Lithophaga lithophaga). Avv. Andrea Franco (Criminal Law Attorney – Salerno, Italy) & Daniela Mainenti (Professor of comparative law).
- Case study: Carpatos Operation. Teodor NIȚĂ (online) (Prosecutor. ENPE).
- Coordinating Prosecutor’s Office for the Environment and network of environmental prosecutors in Spain. Jorge Moradell (online) (Environmental prosecutor of Spain).
Video recording