European Wildlife Crime Workshop 

The SWiPE project organized the past June the EU WLC workshop for experts to review the latest wildlife crime findings and strengthen transnational working relations.

Recent EU initiatives highlight the need for better enforcement of laws and enhanced prosecution to tackle wildlife crime, including improved cross-border cooperation. This workshop brought together leading experts in wildlife crime prosecution at a pan-European level to discuss best practices and lessons learned to foster replication.
The workshop promoted the exchange of experiences among different links of the enforcement chain, from detection and investigation to successful prosecution, through talks from top-level experts and interactive sessions, including on-site demonstrations.

Here you can see a summary of the workshop

Documents of the meeting

Agenda (28-30 June 2022)

The three days included interactive sessions only for in-person participants. Plenary sessions were broadcasted online for registered and in-person participants.

The agenda is available here.

28th June 2022: European context and transboundary cooperation


Video recording

29th June 2022: Innovative approaches to tackle wildlife crime


Video recording

30th June 2022: Successful prosecution


Video recording
